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What is a rational person?

being in or characterized by full possession of one's reason; sane; lucid: The patient appeared perfectly rational. endowed with the faculty of reason: rational beings. of, relating to, or constituting reasoning powers: the rational faculty.

What is the difference between irrational and arational?

The term "rational" has two opposites: irrational and arational. Arational things are outside the domain of rational evaluation, like digestive processes or the weather. Things within the domain of rationality are either rational or irrational depending on whether they fulfill the standards of rationality.

Is a desire Rational or irrational?

The main basic source of the rationality of desires, on the other hand, comes in the form of hedonic experience: the experience of pleasure and pain. : 20 So, for example, a desire to eat ice-cream is rational if it is based on experiences in which the agent enjoyed the taste of ice-cream, and irrational if it lacks such a support.

Where does rationale come from?

Rationale comes from Latin ratio, meaning "reason," and rationalis, "endowed with reason." Ratio is reasonably familiar as an English word for the relationship (in number, quantity, or degree) between things. the rationale for starting the school day an hour later is that kids will supposedly get an extra hour of sleep

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